Tilt & Turns…the drill you need to try

Golf instructor Andrew Rice says it best: if you want the ball to get moving, you’ve got to get your body moving. The Tilt & Turn drill can easily be incorporated into your warmup on a consistent basis in order to get your body feeling the tilts, turns, and stretches present is a healthy and consistent golf swing.

Andrew shows us the drill – which takes no more than a couple minutes – and provides a few pointers and reminders:

  • Hold a club across your shoulders by crossing your arms across your chest
  • Position the handle of the club on the lead/target side of your body
  • In the backswing get the handle to point at the ball or where the ball would be
  • Allow the trail side to extend and the trail knee to straighten
  • The lead side should feel low and the trail side high as it stretches and extends
  • Be mindful of the feel as the swing moves into the downswing and follow through
  • In the post-impact portion of the swing, the trail side lowers/shortens while the lead side will elevate and extend

The idea here is to remind your body what a golf swing should feel like, leading to a more consistent result on the course. Give it a try and let us know how it goes!